Øverdrive’s BLXXD XVER takes us on a melodic journey like no other. He puts his versatility at the forefront in this project without ever sacrificing quality and creativity. His features on this project are not to be taken lightly with every track complimenting the nature of the story to be told.
He comes for blood quite literally in his opening song “Blxxd” with a beat building intro that builds with anticipation as the horn like melody pulses throughout the instrumental. His simple yet powerful vocals lend a complementary sound to the overall track setting the tone and story for BLXXD XVER.
The transition into his next song “SHELLSHXCK” is seamless as it progresses into a fast pace vibe that gets your heart racing. But, slows at the perfect time just to build up more momentum and suspense. Øverdrive’s musicality is on display with this haunting thriller of a track.
“HXLLXW” may be the name but the track is anything but empty. The bars are loaded with heavy metaphors and layers are stacked beautifully delivering a hard-hitting performance. The trap feel of this composition is a worthwhile listen.
Øverdrive shows off his linguistic talents on “EGX BXXST” one of the singles he released prior to this albums debut. Delivering lyrics in Italian to emphasize the grit of the beat and the dark undertone of the journey. He lets us know who he is and what he does in such a smooth but sharp manner. The range of his capabilities are evident.
The next track gives us thrilling trip through the mind of Øverdrive. “GETXUT” feels like a chase through the streets. The production mixed with the delivery and tonal changes of the lyrics feel like a chase scene straight out of the cinema. No lack of hype in this song. Øverdrive teases his metal background with the slight vocal strains enhancing the emotion just when you least expect it.
“XVER BXSSA NXVA” flies us to a beach resort. Picture this…sunlight hitting the beach waters as wind blows with a refreshing drink in hand as you stare out onto the horizon with your shades on. That’s what happens when you listen to this song. The percussion and funky effects hits like a nice summer song that just makes you feel good and transports you to your favorite vacation spot.
Prepare for a ride with “PULP FICTIXN” that amps you up. The bass hits so hard you can feel it in your body. Perfect for that gym playlist because you’re going to be on 100 after listening. I know I felt unstoppable and like THAT guy when listening.
Just how far will Øverdrive take us? That is answered in this track “HXW FAR” that almost feels like two songs in one. Just as you settle in and think the song is about to end another fierce melody kicks in just giving us a little bit more. Intelligently composed this track delivers above and beyond. The orchestral like placement near the beat switch up is a magical production moment. But the hook ties both sections together lending to a wonderfully constructed piece.
“HXW FAR, Part 2” functions much like an interlude. Even still it’s a track not to be taken likely. The vocal talents of Øverdrive shines brightly here with haunting vocals echoing throughout and a morphed vocal that has you listening intently as you can hear the end of the HXW FAR story.
The mad scientist takes over on “EVIL PLAN” and you will know his name. The motivational production is at the climax of this song. At this part of the journey we are at the top of the mountain screaming out to the world the way the vocals echo at certain sections. You feel empowered listening to this track.
We go back in time with “Intrxspectixn” with the old school beat and a flow that glides over snares like a figure skater on ice. The deep lyrics explain the title of the song because it’s gets you thinking about your own journey through life, appreciating what you have and the people around you.
We end with another single that we were blessed with prior to the debut, “Extinctixn” that throws a rock vibe to the entire project. What a way to end I say. A hook that makes you want to sing along but also want to play Tony Hawk pro skater 3 at the same time. It opens with Øverdrive admitting he’s not like everyone else and feeling extinct in the world around him. Something we all can relate to. The project feels complete and full listening to this last song.
BLXXD XVER was a ride I’ll go anytime. Something for everyone but a trip you will not regret. Can’t wait to see what Øverdrive does next. The talents that contributed to this project also deserve a hand from the producers and other featured artists. The collaborations were sonically enticing and if you haven’t already run to your nearest platform and stream this masterpiece immediately.

I think I owe you head after this one bro. MUCH LOVE 🖤🖤🖤